Elimu Yangu contains three different tools: School league, Career guide and University finder.
Elimu Yangu {%trans 'School League gives infomediaries like journalists and civic activists an easy ‘plug & play’ toolkit for finding school rankings information and embedding interactive data visualisations into their storytelling. The tool's underlying data is quality-checked, from reputable official sources including the government Census, PEPFAR and Uwezo.' %}
Elimu Yangu Career Guide assists student to find schools to go in any location that align best with their career choice
Elimu Yangu University Finder helps Advance Level Students to find the best possible university course to attend based on their ACSEE erformance and preferences.
The school league tool is built on Wazimap , an open source platform by OpenUp and Media Monitoring Africa for making census data more understandable.
Code for Africa and its partners hate seeing civil society or anyone else being duped into wasting money unnecessarily on inappropriate technology or predatory consultancies.
There are thousands of civic apps and other technology solutions already available for reuse, free-of-charge, on communities such as GitHub.
Code for Africa is committed to help grow these resources and the global civic technology community, by making its code and data freely available. It is also committed to helping fellow African citizen agency organisations re-purpose and customise existing civic code as cost-effectively as possible.
The code for Elimu Yangu is available here.
All the data used by this project and other initiatives is available for free reuse on the openAFRICA.net portal. It is already the continent's largest repository of public data, despite being volunteer run, and offers data ranging from government budget and tender information, to data about parliamentarians and other public officials.